Use "dicotyledon|dicotyledons" in a sentence

1. The Dahlgren system placed the Nymphaeales with the Piperales in superorder Nymphaeanae, within subclass Magnoliideae (dicotyledons).

2. The Cronquist system (1981) used the name Magnoliidae for one of six subclasses (within class Magnoliopsida = dicotyledons).

3. The larvae feed on the leaves of dicotyledons and conifers including Podocarpus (Dugdale et al. 1999).

4. (+)-Abscisin II[(+)-dormin] has been identified in the ether soluble acid fraction of twenty plant species, including mono-and dicotyledons and a fern

5. Pectin and hemicellulose are the dominant constituents of collenchyma cell walls of dicotyledon angiosperms, which may contain as little as 20% of cellulose in Petasites.

6. 24 Of monocotyledon there are 270 species of graminaceous plants and 115 species of sedge plants, and of dicotyledon there are 212 legume plants and 54 composite plants.

7. In all species of dicotyledons examined so far, flower and leaf abscission zones possessed heterogenous metaxylem vessels adjoining protoxylem and secondary xylem vessels with homogenous patterns of lignified thickenings.

8. Medical Definition of Angiosperm : any of a class (Angiospermae) of vascular plants (as orchids or roses) that have the seeds in a closed ovary and include the monocotyledons and dicotyledons — compare gymnosperm Other Words from Angiosperm